Open source software: Innovation and collaboration that pave the way for software-defined vehicles

March 13th, 2025

How can automakers invest most wisely in software-defined vehicles (SDVs)? A key part of the answer is open source software (OSS), which helps foster innovation, collaboration, and brand differentiation. Let’s look at how we can make that innovation and collaboration – and software-defined vehicles at large – a reality. 

Why open source software is critical to automakers

As automakers pursue the development of software-defined vehicles, the amount of time, money, and expertise required to do so soon becomes evident. This is true throughout the automotive industry, with OEMs facing similar obstacles in their development of connected vehicle services in general, and SDV services in particular. Building and managing the software for an entire SDV on one’s own is very complex and very costly.

Open source software enables collaboration to address these development challenges. It also helps automakers avoid vendor lock-in. While open source software itself is not new, its potential in the digital automotive landscape is. For automakers and connected vehicle service providers, it offers unprecedented opportunities for SDV service innovation.

Three reasons why automakers should pursue open source software collaboration

1. Dynamic partnerships and innovation
Open source software enables open collaboration among more developers on connected vehicle services, benefiting all parties involved. Today, strict compliance often makes collaboration in this area difficult. Leaving everyone to figure out their own solutions to industry-wide challenges is not a good use of time or resources. Open source code is already widely used in connected vehicle service development.

2. Open source software frees up resources and talent
The greater the collaboration, the more talent you can involve in your projects. Having access to great minds outside your organization will contribute to getting you further, faster. At the same time, OEMs can devote more of their own resources to creating and maintaining differentiating, brand-specific services. Rather than detracting from internal SDV research and development, open source software collaborations facilitate it.

3. Avoid vendor lock-in and promote seamless integration
As mentioned above, open source software helps automakers avoid restrictive service providers. Instead, it enables the flexibility and creativity essential to software-defined vehicles. As SDVs are able to connect to an increasingly wide range of systems, customer satisfaction and loyalty increase, and business opportunities can be expanded across different markets.

Holographic car interface digital projection on a blue background, 3D rendering

Open source software strengthens OEM collaborations

The European Union is calling on automakers to cooperate within the framework of open source software in automotive. This is a major change in policy, brought on by the need for rapid, common SDV progress. We should expect to see similar geopolitical initiatives, and more SDV research money being allocated to support different regions and markets.

A number of open source alliances have been founded to facilitate collaboration between automakers. At the time of writing, WirelessCar is a member of two key alliances: COVESA and SOAFEE. Other interesting collaborations include Eclipse SDV and Japanese AGL, as well as research funding initiatives such as Germany's VDA and the European Union's Federate.

Then, there are the joint ventures that are also aimed at strengthening companies’ software-defined vehicle stacks. Merging two OEMs’ system architectures is both exciting and complex. Open source-based solutions can serve as the common foundation, allowing each company to accelerate development and create more adaptable SDV solutions. Two recent examples are the joint ventures between Daimler Trucks and Volvo Trucks, and Volkswagen Group and Rivian, respectively.

Whether through alliances or joint ventures, open source software allows automakers and their business partners to reach key decisions faster. It is an effective tool for smoother, collaborative work processes in general, and SDV development in particular.

Open SDV Platform – kicking SDV innovation into high gear

Open SDV Platform, a new WirelessCar solution unit, is dedicated to open source software and SDV service collaboration. We like to walk the talk, and hope to welcome automakers from around the world onto this innovative platform.

The Open SDV Platform serves two main purposes:
1. Collaboration on a variety of open source software projects
2. Developing new, state-of-the-art WirelessCar connected vehicle services based on the codes we will work with

Collaboration on these services will only grow in importance, along with platforms that enable OEMs and service developers to publicly explore SDV opportunities. While this marks a break with traditional automotive R&D methods, bold new steps are needed to bring software-defined vehicles to reality.

It is a process that requires leadership, innovative spirit, and considerable experience of connected vehicle service development. We have all of that, and know that OEMs around the world do, too.

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Why partner with WirelessCar on SDV service innovation?

As Head of Product Management at Open SDV Platform, I focus on how we can create the most value for OEMs. A critical component of this is finding the right partnerships and the best ways of working on the open source code together.

So, why should automakers partner with WirelessCar on SDV service innovation?

1. WirelessCar is a both a service developer and a service integrator
We work with a vast array of development teams, and sometimes our solutions need to be adapted. Being both a developer and an integrator of connected vehicle services makes it easier for us to adapt our solutions to fit our customers’ needs. We can apply many different perspectives on a project or solution, which is critical to any open source collaboration.

2. An exploratory way of working, fueled by curiosity and pragmatism
Open source innovation requires an exchange of ideas and sometimes work methods. Our exploratory way of working makes us efficient, open-minded, and a confident leader in innovative processes. WirelessCar’s Open SDV Platform organization aims to work closely with OEMs on exploratory ideation projects, tackling common industry issues and writing the source code together.

3. Experience that guides us on the road ahead
Our 25 years of building connected vehicle services and platforms have prepared us well for the current paradigm shift. We may not have all the answers, but we are very eager to explore them together with our business partners. If this sounds interesting to you, let us work together on the software-defined vehicles of the future!

This is a topic we will continue exploring in the coming months and years, so make sure to stay updated via our WirelessCar Insights blog. If you have any questions about Open SDV Platform or our work with open source software, you are welcome to contact me via the email address below. Read more about SDV here, or find related articles about Mobility as a Service (MaaS) and innovative partnerships on our Insights blog.

Christina Rux
Head of Product Management, Open SDV Platform